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With recent acquisitions and the expansion of the BSW Group in the ownership of Binderholz, the shareholders, along with the UK management board, have agreed to restructure the business for the future years. Hence I write to you to announce the following changes to the Senior Management team within BSW Group.

Firstly, with effect from 1st August 2023, Tony Hackney is taking up the role of UK Chairman. Many of you will be aware that Tony has been the Group’s CEO since he joined BSW in 2008, and he has very much been the driving force behind our enormous growth during that period.

Tony’s new role will see him stepping away from the day-to-day operations to focus on the strategic growth of our business and maintaining his industry contacts. He will now be working on a part-time basis, reporting to Reinhard Binder.

Many of you will be aware that Norman Scott has recently stepped away from his role leading the Scott Group, as he makes his transition into his other interests and retirement from the pallet sector. I thank Norman for the tremendous growth of over 30 years at Scotts, and the support and friendship over the years we have worked together.

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that there will be new faces joining the re-organised UK Board with effect from 1st August 2023. As I introduce the team who will be taking our business into its next period of growth and investment, my role of CEO has been replaced with a clear UK leadership structure:

Tracy Trotter has left her role as Group Finance Director (Scott Group) with effect from 31st July 2023.

Tracy has led a distinguished career within Scott Group, spanning 23 years, and has been instrumental in their growth during that time. We will miss the skills and experience that Tracy brought to the team and we thank her on behalf of the company for her hard work and commitment.

We are also saying goodbye to Gavin Adkins, who leaves his role as Managing Director of Tilhill Forestry Ltd and Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd, also with effect 31st July 2023.

Gavin has been with the BSW Group since early 2013, joining as Purchasing Director before moving into the role of MD at Tilhill, and then latterly adding Maelor to his portfolio. During his time with us, Gavin has seen the BSW Group through numerous acquisitions and the sale of BSW to Endless LLP and then on to Binderholz GmbH.

Tracy and Gavin leave with our best wishes for their respective futures.

All of the changes announced here support the strategy of integrating the UK operations, whilst aligning us with our parent company and facilitating improved communications and decision making across the global Binderholz Group.

For many, this reorganisation generates very little change to their day-to-day activity, but for others there is additional responsibility and fresh challenges. We will continue to work together to continue to deliver the strategic objectives of the Binder Family.


Tony Hackney,

UK Chairman